Appendix G - Reports

In the following pages you will find descriptions of the standard reports included in TimeStar™.

For samples of the report layouts and filter options, please reference the TimeStar™ Reports Guide which can be found online.


Admin - Approaching Overtime

The Approaching Overtime report allows you to view employees that are approaching premium pay based on defined hour thresholds.

Admin - Missing Punch

The Missing Punch report generates a list of employees with missing punches. This report can be useful in helping to determine why some employee totals are incorrect when running other history reports. 

Admin – Request

The Request report details employee’s requests submitted within TimeStar™.

Admin - Unapproved Time

The Unapproved Time report generates a list of employees with unapproved time records. This report can be useful in helping to determine end of the period approvals.

Admin - Unposted Punches

The Unposted Punches report generates a list of all punches that have not been imported into TimeStar™. Un-posted punches for all employees will display on this report, so this report is not recommended for use by supervisors.

Admin - User Security

The User Security report generates a list of user security records for employees within TimeStar™. 

Attendance - Absentee[1]

The Absentee report provides you with a list of employees who had an absent record within a specific time range.  The report details the employee number, name, hours absent and the percentage absent against the hours worked.  You can run this report at any time.

Attendance – Attendance Details

The Attendance Details report will list employees and any attendance records that the employee has generated within the given timeframe.   The report will also break down the type of attendance record, date and any time that was associated with the attendance record.

Attendance – Errors & Exceptions

The Errors and Exceptions report will list any errors or exceptions that the employee has generated within the given timeframe.   The report will also break down the type of error, date and any time that was associated with the error. Consult your Insperity Time and Attendance Professional Services representative for help setting up the report parameters. 

Attendance – Lunch Exceptions

The Lunch Exception report will show lunch periods taken outside of the defined thresholds. The report will display, by employee, the date of the infraction and either the Lunch Minutes when a lunch is too short or the Lunch Taken time for late lunches.

Attendance - Perfect Attendance

The Perfect Attendance report can be used to determine which employees have worked the selected period of time without an attendance infraction. You can select the attendance codes you would like to use by selecting the codes in the Attendance Codes box according to your company’s definition. 

Audit - Log

The Audit – Log reports display all audited records related to an employee. For each entry the report will display the date and time of the audit, IP address of the auditor, and what was changed.  This report may be run for certain audit types or all audit types. 

Data Export – Accrual Transfer

The Accrual Transfer report will compile accrual balances and write those values to a table in the client administration database for further reporting by Insperity.

Data Export – Accruals

The Accruals report will export accrual information by employee for the specified date range.

Data Export – Employee Accrual Balance

The Employee Accrual Balance report exports an employees' accrual information as of the selected stop date.

Data Export – Leave Liability Export

The Leave Liability Export report allows you to export accrual amounts by employee.

Data Export – Pay Type Selection

The Pay Type Selection data export report prepares to export an employee’s worked hours. These hours can be selected by pay type using up to 15 user-defined categories.

Data Export – Payroll

The Payroll data export report exports payroll information by employee and date for the specified date range.

Data Export – Schedules

The Schedule data export report exports schedule information by employee and date for the specified date range.

Diagnostics – Accrual Plan Scripts

The Accrual Plan Scripts report may be used to review all of the applicable scripts associated to an accrual plan. The ‘summary’ report will provide the script counts by accrual plan. The ‘detail’ report will also include the script ID, execution sequence and rule actions.

Diagnostics – Data Configuration Errors

The Data Configuration Errors report identifies some of the most common errors made that may adversely affect the performance of TimeStar™.

Diagnostics – Employee Import Modifications

The Employee Import Modifications report displays employee information modified by the last import from the Insperity payroll system.

Diagnostics – License

The License report displays user information including employee name & number.

Diagnostics – Pay Group Scripts

The Pay Group Scripts report may be used to review all of the applicable scripts associated to a pay group. The ‘summary’ report will provide the pay group assignments. The ‘detail’ report will also include the script ID, execution sequence and rule actions.

Diagnostics – Request Workflow

The Request Workflow report displays all the active request workflows defined in TimeStar. The report also shows the request workflow groups that are currently in the system and their setups in terms of request types.

Diagnostics – Secondary Rates

The Secondary Rates report displays a list of secondary rates by employee that are effective during the selected date range.

Employee – Anniversary Dates

The Anniversary Dates report will display, based on user selections, employment related dates. As an example, this report can be used to review when an employee's next review is due.

Employee – Birthday

The Employee Birthday report will display a list of employee birthdays based on the date range selected.

HR – Accrual Balance[2]

The Accrual Balance report may be used to view accrual transactions that affect an employee’s accrual balance during a defined date range.

HR - Employee Badges

The Employee Badge report will list the employee’s name, number, badge number, supervisor name and the dates the badge number is effective.  This report may be used to assist in referencing employee’s badges in case of badge misplacement.

HR - Employee Information

The Employee Information report generates a list of employee’s information such as employee name, address, etc. available in TimeStar™.

HR - Points Warning

The Points Warning report displays employees that are within a specified point’s threshold as determined by the report parameter settings.

HR – Supervision Hierarchy

The Supervision Hierarchy report displays the selected supervisor, shows their direct reports, then their direct reports, etc.

HR – Supervisor Employee List

The Supervisor Employee List report displays a list of supervisors with employees assigned to the supervisor.

History – Consecutive Days Worked

The History Consecutive Days report displays the number of days an employee worked consecutively for the date range entered.  An employee could be listed multiple times depending on the date range selected.  The default minimum number of consecutive days for the report is 5.

History – Employee Hours by Pay Type

The History Employee Hours by Pay Type report displays employee hours by pay type for the date range entered.

History – Exported Hours

The Exported Hours report displays a detail of the hours exported for employees with a date range. The report automatically page breaks on employee and generates for all employees for the date range entered.

History – Hours

The Hours History report displays employee hours by day and pay type. The report also generates a summary by pay type and organization level at the end of the report output.

History - Labor Analysis

The History Labor Analysis report displays employee hours listed by day and totaled by week with a breakdown by pay type. A summary layout will display hours by organization level.

History – Organization Level Hours by Pay Type

The History Organization Hours by Pay Type report displays employee hours totaled by pay type grouped by organization level. 

NOTE – When selecting an organization level depth, the report will display all organization level items at the same depth. 

History – Payroll Transfer

The History version of the Payroll Transfer report can be used to review payroll information. When run for closed pay periods, this information will represent the transactions sent to your payroll application.

History - Perfect Attendance

The Perfect Attendance report can be used to determine which employees have worked the selected period of time without an attendance infraction or hours with a particular pay type.

History – Total Hours

The Total Hours Worked report can be used to generate an employee’s hours and wages (optionally) for any period of time in TimeStar™.

Org Level - Daily Hours

The Org Level Daily Hours report is used to provide a detailed breakdown of employee hours on a daily basis by worked organization level. A maximum of 50 organization level items may be selected at once.

Org Level - Daily Hours (TFW)

The Org Level Daily Hours TFW report is used to provide a detailed breakdown of employee hours on a daily basis by worked organization level in the same format as TimeStar for Windows™. A maximum of 50 organization level items may be selected at once.

Org Level - Labor Analysis

The Org Level Labor Analysis report is designed to provide you with a breakdown of employee hours by day for a one week interval by worked organization level.  The report also displays wages earned by employees by pay type.  The report breaks out the rate, number of hours and any pay factors applied to the pay type. A maximum of 50 organization level items may be selected at once.

Org Level – Payroll Transfer

The Org Level version of the Payroll Transfer report can be used to review payroll information. When run for closed pay periods, this information will represent the transactions sent to your payroll application.

Org Level - Schedule vs. Worked

The Org Level Schedule vs. Worked report displays all employees who have worked within the date range specified and/or are assigned to a schedule group.  A comparison is performed between the hours worked and hours scheduled when the report is generated.  This report displays employees that are scheduled or have worked in the selected organization level(s). A maximum of 50 organization level items may be selected at once.

Pay History – Check/Deposit Register Detail[3]

The Pay History Check/Deposit Register Detail provides check & deposit information for each employee with detailed earnings, taxes and deductions.

Pay History – Check/Deposit Register Summary

The Pay History Check/Deposit Register Summary provides check & deposit information for each employee with total earnings, taxes and deductions by pay check.

Pay History – Employee Pay Advice

The Pay History Check/Deposit Register Summary is equivalent to an employee's "check stub" for either direct deposits or physical checks. It will display all details associated with a single pay history record including earnings, taxes, deductions and employer matches.

Payroll - Employee Hours by Pay Type

The Payroll Employee Hours by Pay Type report displays an employee’s total hours for the specified date range broken out by pay type.

Payroll – Hours Worked

The Hours Worked report will display an employee’s total hours for a specified date range. 

Payroll – Pay Type Selection

The Pay Type Selection report displays worked hours. This information can be selected by pay type using up to six user-defined categories.

Payroll – Pay Type Selection with Dollars

The Pay Type Selection with Dollars report displays an employee’s worked hours and dollars. This information can be selected by pay type using up to six user-defined categories.

Payroll - Transfer

The Payroll Transfer report is used to verify that your payroll file is correct prior to transferring the information to your payroll software.  The report should be produced after you have completed all of your corrections and entry in TimeStar™. 

Payroll – Variable Hours

The Variable Hours report allows you to create up to three formulas that will return records where certain pay type criteria exists.

Quick Reports – Accruals

The quick report for accruals displays an employee’s accrual information for the specified date range.

Quick Reports – Attendance

The quick report for attendance displays an employee’s attendance information for the specified date range.

Quick Reports – Audit Log

The quick report for audits displays an employee’s audit information for the specified date range.

Quick Reports – Errors and Exceptions

The quick report for errors and exceptions will list any errors or exceptions that the employee has generated for the specified date range.

Quick Reports – Dollars

The quick report for dollars displays an employee’s dollar information for the specified date range.

Quick Reports – Hours

The quick report for hours displays an employee’s hour information for the specified date range.

Quick Reports – Punches

The quick report for punches displays an employee’s punch information for the specified date range.

Quick Reports – Request

The quick report for requests displays an employee's requests for the specified date range.

Quick Reports – Team Schedule

The quick report for schedules displays an employee’s schedule information for the specified date range.

Quick Reports – Total Hours

The quick report for total hours displays an employee’s total hours information for the specified date range.

Schedule - Employee Schedule[4]

The Employee Schedule report displays employee schedules for a specified date range. This report may be used to provide employees with a printed copy of their schedules.

Schedule - Group Schedule

The Group Schedule displays the default schedules established within TimeStar™. The date, start time, stop time, break minutes and total hours by day will be displayed on the report.  One group schedule will be displayed per page.

Schedule – Scheduled Hours

The Scheduled Hours report displays employee work schedules in a calendar view for a specified date range. This report may be used to provide employees with a printed copy of their schedules.

Schedule - Scheduled vs. Actual Difference

The Scheduled vs. Actual Difference report displays a list of employees with hours worked less than their scheduled hours.

Schedule - Scheduled vs. Worked

The Scheduled vs. Worked report displays all employees who have worked within the date range specified and/or are assigned to a schedule group.

Schedule – Time Off

The Time Off report allows you to review the time off calendar(s) that you have set up in TimeStar™ in a calendar format.

Supervisor - Alerts by Supervisor

The Alerts by Supervisor report displays the active alerts for a supervisor within the specified date range.  This report can be useful in determining the number of remaining corrections to be made for a pay period.

Timesheet - Average Hours

The Average Hours report calculates an employee’s weekly and daily average based on the date range entered. The employee’s weekly hours may be averaged based on the actual days worked, a 5-day week or a 7-day week.

Timesheet - Daily Hours

The Daily Hours report is used to provide a detailed breakdown of employee hours on a daily basis.

Timesheet - Daily Hours (TFW)

The Daily Hours TFW report is used to provide a detailed breakdown of employee hours on a daily basis in the same format as TimeStar for Windows™.

Timesheet – Employee Activity

The Employee Activity report is used to provide a detailed breakdown of employee hours on a daily basis. This report displays employee punches and hours with daily totals. Up to six organization levels can be included for display on the report.

Timesheet – Hours Overview

The Hours Overview report is used to review an overview of punches and hours by employee for a specified date range. The hours will be broken out into regular time, overtime or hours and totaled for each time block, then for each employee.

Timesheet - Labor Analysis

The Labor Analysis report is designed to provide you with a breakdown of employee hours by day for a one week interval.  The report also displays wages earned by employees by pay type.

Timesheet – Mileage Detail

The Mileage Detail report allows you to review the miles driven for each vehicle by day. Mileage readings and pay information can also be included.

Timesheet – Minimum Daily Hours

The Minimum Daily Hours report is designed to provide you with a list of employees that did not work a specified number of hours per day.

Timesheet - Hours & Dollars

The Hours and Dollars report allows you to view a summary of any hours and/or dollars that have been entered for employees within the specified date range.

Timesheet – Punch Difference

The Punch Difference report allows you to compare the actual time a punch was made with the time used for payroll purposes after your business rules related to rounding have been applied.

Timesheet - Timecard

The Timecard report displays a list of all of an employee’s punches for a specified date range.  The employee’s number, name, actual and rounded time, and error code associated with the punch and organization levels will display.  You may also choose to generate the report with a signature line for employee signoff.

Timesheet - Timecard 2

The Timecard 2 and Signoff reports provide punch details and hours totals with the ability for an employee to sign off on hours worked for the specified date range.

Timesheet – Unit Earnings[5]

The Unit Earnings report allows you to view the unit records tied to Hours or Dollars records. Earnings amounts for both unit and non-unit records will be calculated, as well as an average hourly earnings rate.

Timesheet – Units Detail[6]

The Units Detail report allows you to view a summary of the Units records that have been entered for employees within the specified date range.

Timesheet - Zero Hours Worked

The Zero Hours Worked report displays a list of employees with no hours within a defined date range. 

Trend – Approaching Overtime

The Approaching Overtime Trend report will display in a bar chart how the selected business units worked hours are trending in comparison with their scheduled time.

Trend – Hourly Time and Wages

The Hourly Time and Wages report is a review of the hours worked on an hour-by-hour basis in a bar chart, where each bar represents 1 hour of time.

Trend – Scheduled vs. Worked

The Scheduled vs. Worked Trend report is used to review a summary of the difference between scheduled and worked time in a line chart format.





[1]The Attendance Reports will not be available if the Attendance module has not been purchased.

[2] The HR – Accrual Balance report will not be available if the Accruals module has not been purchased.

[3] Pay History reports will not be available if the Pay History module has not been purchased.

[4] The Schedule reports will not be available if the Schedules module has not been purchased.

[5] The Units Detail report will not be available if the Units module has not been purchased.

[6] The Units Detail report will not be available if the Units module has not been purchased.